The Department of Architecture contains two specializations 

 First, the architecture:

Vision :

 The Department of Architecture is looking forward to preparing a creative graduate with talent, artistic taste and the ability to solve problems and make decisions in an expressive architectural language that keeps pace with the requirements of the modern era.

the message :

 The mission of the Department of Architecture is to provide a distinguished scientific subject in the field of architecture in order to raise the professional level of the graduate of the department by linking the theoretical study with practical application, while respecting the environmental, human and technological influences, and meeting the needs of society and the environment.

Department goals:

  1.   Qualifying the student to obtain an adequate amount of the university's requirements in addition to the requirements of the college in line with the general policy of the university.
  2.  Introducing the student to the basic sciences and the architectural and urban foundations.
  3.  Develop various skills by knowing the foundations and theories of architecture, applying the principles of basic sciences in the field of architecture, and using advanced computer applications.
  4.  Teaching students the foundations of professional practice, and continuous and effective communication with business institutions and civil society.
  5.  Activating the role of practicing the profession through more effective summer training programs in architectural and urban institutions.
  6.  Providing effective elements that can face future challenges.
  7. Develop general skills such as the skill of individual and team work and continuous learning.

Secondly, specialization in Interior Design Engineering 

Vision :

 The department should be a pioneer in the field of design and creativity, and the graduate should be the link between the arts and society to graduate a distinguished student capable of advancing the wheel of progress through specialization.

the message:

Providing a high level of education to prepare distinguished graduates in the field of design, creativity and skill capabilities in the technical and engineering fields to keep pace with the needs of the labor market so that the specialization is a pioneer in the field of interior design in Yemen and in contact with the local community and the local and international labor market through the application of international standards to produce graduates qualified to work in the market International local.

The study aims at the following:

  1. Graduation of the student on the latest modern technologies, and how to use and benefit from them in the field of specialization.
  2. Preserving the teachings of Islam and how to benefit from Islamic art in design.
  3. Preserving the national identity and heritage by guiding students to creativity and design through the local heritage of the Republic of Yemen.
  4. Develop and encourage the spirit of scientific research among students to use it in community service.
  5. Meeting the needs of the labor market by providing specialists in the field of interior design (interior design).
  6. Graduating distinguished students with a bachelor’s degree who compete strongly in the local and international market
  7. Graduating students with technical and applied skills in the field of interior design.
  8. Develop and encourage the spirit of scientific research among students to use it in community service related to the problems of creating internal spaces for all its various sectors.
  9. Meeting the needs of the labor market by providing specialists in the field of interior design, who have the ability to make decisions, work in a team spirit, and communicate with internal and external architecture specialists to achieve the concept of specialization in its comprehensive sense.
  10.  Developing the educational process by informing students of the latest modern technologies and how to use them.