Vision Department

 That the Department of Computer Network Technology Engineering at the College of Engineering and Information Technology at the University of Modern Sciences be a pioneer in the field of computer network technology engineering by preparing qualified engineers capable of opening new scientific horizons, supporting the movement of scientific research, providing technical advice in the field of competence and working on community service.


Message Department

 Preparing qualified engineers who are able to meet the needs of the labor market, government institutions and all sectors of science and technology (public, private and mixed) in the field of computer engineering by providing advice, design and implementation in the field of computer network engineering and information technologies.


Department goals

  • Graduation of engineering cadres of a high scientific level possessing the understanding, knowledge and psychological preparation, which makes them able to build systems in computer networks, analyze and develop them while following up on these cadres after graduation by continuing to communicate through social media channels and others to identify the size of the challenges faced by these cadres and the amount of The necessary change in the curricula to make the available possibilities more and the capabilities to face the challenges higher.
  • Organizing seminars and holding scientific conferences and workshops with the rest of the colleges inside and outside the country, government institutions in all their sectors and the private sector to solve problems and develop the work of these institutions.
  • Continuous updating of curricula to keep pace with scientific development in line with the needs of the labor market, by providing an appropriate environment for theoretical and practical teaching using the latest methods and devices, adopting international quality standards and academic accreditation.
  • Providing academic consultations in the fields of computer engineering in general and computer network engineering and its applications in particular, in order to suit and support the market's need and requirements.
  • Raising the scientific and technological level by adopting the correct method in the field of scientific research and building a solid research base by adopting previous databases characterized by sobriety and accuracy.
  • Opening the postgraduate studies in the department to develop, support and motivate the department’s employees to supervise and supply the centers and institutions with higher certificates and scientific titles, not to mention creating a spirit of competition and opening broad horizons for the department’s teachers to develop their scientific and practical skills through the projects of graduate students in the master’s and doctoral degrees.